
Internet Regulations’ Chart : La régulation d’internet (PDF)
Internet Giants’ Chart : Les géants du net (PDF)
Medias Conglomérates’ Chart : Les conglomérats médias (PDF)
Digital China’s Chart : La Chine numérique (PDF)
Digital Russia’s Chart : La Russie numérique (PDF)

International press clippings on F. Martel’s book, « Smart » (translated in a dozen languages) :

(for the French press reviews, see this page in French)

« Smart » is already published in Spanish in Spain and Latin America (Penguin Random House/Santillana/Taurus), Italian (Feltrinelli), English (HarperCollins), Korean (Geulhangari), Portuguese/Brazil (Record), Simplified Chinese (The Commercial Press, Beijing/智能互联网时代文化疆域) and Traditionnal Chinese (Taïwan and Hong Kong).

More than 150 articles have been published about Smart in more than 30 countries. See below a selection of these papers (Articles are posted by chronological reverse order):

ARGENTINA (Nov 2017) : « Las Otras Internets », interview in Infoabe (Nov 12, 2017) ; « En la guerra mundial cultural, Argentina puede influir con su poder blando », interview with Juan Diego Brodersen in Clarín (Nov 25, 2017). [Press clippings from Random House Argentina here]

JAPAN : Global Gay has been published in japanese in December 2017 : See the article in the book review by Wataru Sawamura, for the Asahi Shimbun, the main Japanese daily newspape (Feb 22, 2017). Another book review in the weekly Shukan Dokusho-jin, a leading book-review journal for intellectuals (Feb.3, No. 3175). See also three other articles in japanese in the Tokyo Press : article 1 ; article 2. (December 2016) ; and article 3 (January 2017).

SWITZERLAND (Zurich, in German) : Long interview by Christian Junger for the main daily newspaper in German Swiss : NZZ. (Sunday November 13th, 2016)

BRAZIL (Brazilia) : Article and interview in the main daily newspaper in Brazilia, Correio Braziliense (May 10th, 2016).

PORTUGAL (LISBOA) : Interview on ‘Smart’ by Alexandra Prado Coelho for Publico (April 15th, 2016) ; and also an essay and profile about culture, tourism and the digital projects of the Portuguese governement, published in the cultural supplement Ipsilon in Portugal (April 15th, 2016).

ITALY : Interview by Fabio Gambaro in La Repubblica, March 2016 ; interview for the Stampa’s magazine Origami, March 2016 (part 1 & part 2) ; article on Il Post Libri (March 2016) ; conversation with Loredana Lipperini a Libri Comein Rome (Mars 2016) ; « Lo scrittore nell’era del digitale », by Davide Mazzocco in Blogo (Avril 2016).

CHINA : « Smart » has been translated in Dec. 2015 in Chinese (simplified Chinese) by Yan Ziyue’s publisher, in partnership with The Commercial Press, under the title : 智能互联网时代文化疆域.

ITALY : Two pages’ interview by Stefano Montefiori about « Smart » and the future of culture and books in the digital age in Corriere della Serra : Page 1 & Page 2 (Dec. 20, 2015).

COLOMBIA : « La curaduria cultural en tiempos de Internet » by Sebastien Longhurst in Revista Arcadia on Jan 27, 2016 (Bogota); Interview on Nov 9th, 2015 in the daily newspaper Semana (Bogota). A dozen other articles, TV and radio shows in Colombia, Nov 2015 (see the PDF here). And the video of a public conference in Bogota here.

SPANISH/LATIN AMERICA : « CURADURIA SMART » : The long research and article on « Smart Curation » has been translated in spanish by an important website « Horizontal » in Mexico. Here are the article « Curaduría Smart » in 5 parts : 1. Las máquinas serán los críticos ; 2. La cultura según Amazon y Facebook ; 3. Múltiples esferas de opinión ; 4. La crisis de los críticos ; 5. El futuro de la crítica cultural ; and the entire serie here (see also La Nacion in Buenos Aires ; and for the article on « Smart Curation » in Portuguese, Brazil, see O Globo).

BRAZIL : « Smart » has been published in portuguese in Brazil, by Record, Fall, 2015. Press Reviews : long interview by Rodrigo Russo in Folha de San Paulo (Dec 20, 2015) ; O Globo, Rio (Link) or O Globo, Rio (PDF) ; Valor Econômico (link) or Valor Econômico (PDF) ; Jornal do Commercio ; O Liberal (Bélem) ; Diario de Para (Bélem) ; Folha de Pernambuco ; Diaro de Pernambuco. And a Tech column editorial by Renato Cruz in Estadao de Sao Paulo. (See also La France au Brésil). See also the translation of the long article « Smart Curation » in portuguese on O Globo.

ARGENTINA : On « Smart » : A point of view of the « smart curation » concept in La Nacion by Diana Fernandez Irusta (Oct. 4, 2015).

ITALY : Parution of « Smart » in Italy (publisher: Feltrinelli, Oct 1, 2015) – 2014 : Interview for La Republica(3/12/2014) ; Interview about Smart in La Repubblica (July 2014) ; Interview and article on Smart by Stefano Montefiori in Corriere della Sera (April 2014). 2015 : Review in La Repubblica (Oct 10, 2015) ; Review by Giuseppe Fantasia in The Huffington Post Italy  (Sept. 19, 2015) and by Laura Montanari for La Repubblica (Pisa Internet Festival, Oct 9, 2015) ; Review and interview by Riccardo Stagliano in il Venerdi/La Repubblica (Sept 25, 2015). Point of view on ‘Smart Curation’ or the future of cultural criticsm in La Republica (Roma) : PDF or Part I and Part II(September 6th, 2015). [See also a post by Filippo Sensi, an assistant of PM’s Matteo Renzi, on ‘Mainstream’ on his blog].

MEXICO : About « Smart » in Etécétéra (sept 2015)

ECUADOR (Quito) : Interview with Miguel Molina : La Republica (Quito)

BOLIVIA (La Paz) : Interview with Christian Léon : InnovaPoliticalLatAm (La Paz, Bolivia).

PERU (Lima) : Long interview on ‘Smart’ by Arnold Piedra Sosaya in El Peruano (Lima, Peru). Review of ‘Smart’ by Marco Sifuentes in La Republica (Lima, Peru) ; Review of « Global Gay » in El Comercio (Lima, Peru) and Diario 16(Lima, Peru). [+ others articles and interviews during the « International Book Fair » in Lima in July 2015.]

BRAZIL : Long interview in Brazilian press (April 2015). Article in Valor Economico (Sept 23, 2014).

COLOMBIA : A long interview about ‘Smart’ in El Espectador by Steven Navareete Cardona (May 2015). An interview and analysis by Hugo Pardo Kuklinski for DGTL-Digitalismo (June 2015).

SPAIN/BARCELONA : Six pages in the Sunday supplement of El Periódico de Catalunya (March 2015)

HONG KONG : Long interview and paper about ‘Mainstream’, on Dec 2014, which has been just translated in traditionnal chinese in Taïwan and Hong Kong : MingPao (main hongkonguese newspaper in chinese). Another interview with Prof Shen Cheng : see article.

SPAIN : Long interview on ‘Smart’ by Tom Avendaño for El Pais (3/12/2014) ; Interview for Revisto Contexto (Jan 2015) ; Review of ‘Smart’ by Carlos A. Scolari in Hipermediatones (Barcelona, 26/08/2015).

MEXICO : Severals interviews and reviews of « Smart », « Mainstream » and « Global Gay » when translated in spanish in Mexico (November 2014) : among them see : ; Animal Polico (Antonio Martinez) ; ; Televisa Radio ; Yuriria Sierra’ Radio Talk Show etc.

ARGENTINA : Severals interviews and reviews of « Smart », « Mainstream » and « Global Gay » when translated in spanish in Argentina (November 2014) : among them see : Ñ-Clarin (cultural supplement) ; La Nacion (interview) ; La Nacion (article) ; Reporte Publicidad ; Rolling Stone Argentina ; Télam ; Yahoo Noticias ; Radio MDZ etc.

COLOMBIA : Interview on « Global Gay » and « Smart » in october 2014 : for El Espectador (leading newspaper in Bogota, Colombia) : El Espectador (link in Spanish) or El Espectador (PDF in spanish). And a full time program interview for the National TV : Canal Capital « El Sofa ».

CHILE : Long interview about Global Gay and Smart in The Clinic, an important magazine in Chile : The Clinic (Chile, in spanish) & interview in the website Cooperativa (Chile). (September 2014)

BRAZIL : An article about « Smart » by Olga de Mello in Valor Economico (Sept 23, 2014).

EUROPEAN THINK TANK : Long excerpt of the conclusion of Smart published in English by EUNIC : Conclusion’s Excerpt (June 2014, in PDF see: pp.10 to 18)

BELGIUM (May 2014) : Interview at « Tout le monde y passe » (RTBF) and several articles from belgium newspapers : Le Soir, Libre Belgique,, La Libre Entreprise, Métro, Hebdomadaire Moustique (PDF) [& link here], L’Echo [page 1, page 2], Le Soir/Les Echos Week-End, Focus Vif etc.

SWITZERLAND : Smart in the main Swiss newspaper Le Temps by Jonas Pulver (here in PDF) in May 2014.

CANADA : F. Martel invité de la matinale de Radio Canada, La Première (principale chaîne du Québec) & Article in La Presse (Quebec) Avril 2014 : La Presse.

GENERAL PRESENTATION OF SMART : Martel’s long interview about « Smart » in Le Point (PDF) by Guillaume Grallet : Le_Point (in French).